A mis 15 años empecé a filmar a mi abuela buscando conservar su memoria. Sus relatos ahora me llevan en un viaje de regreso con las mujeres de mi familia a la “Fábrica de Hilados y Tejidos de San José de Suaita”, lugar donde trabajaron por más de 30 años y que siendo pionera de la industrialización y promesa de desarrollo en un país campesino, las forzó al éxodo con las manos vacías, para iniciar una nueva lucha por sus familias.
When I was 15 years old, I started filming my grandmother in order to preserve her memory. Her stories now take me on a return trip with the women of my family to the Weaving Factory in San José de Suaita, a place where they worked for more than 30 years and that being a pioneer of industrialization and promise of development in a peasant country, forced them to exodus with empty hands, to start a new struggle for their families.
When I was 15 years old, I started filming my grandmother in order to preserve her memory. Her stories now take me on a return trip with the women of my family to the Weaving Factory in San José de Suaita, a place where they worked for more than 30 years and that being a pioneer of industrialization and promise of development in a peasant country, forced them to exodus with empty hands, to start a new struggle for their families.